I blame Miss Hughes. She was my history teacher in the first form at Bromley Technical High School for Girls – a tiny, silver-haired lady nearing retirement but still full of fervour about her subject. She taught us about the ancient civilisations – the Assyrians, the Babylonians, and then the Egyptians. I was captivated by her stories about the pyramids and how they were built, the mysteries … [Read more...] about What the Ancient Egyptians can teach us about story as legacy
life stories
Rescuing the Purple Princess
I spent the whole of Good Friday 2012 crawling around on my hands and knees, clearing out the loft. This had been a long time coming. When my husband (then boyfriend) moved into my small flat in 2008, some of his belongings and what seemed like half of my life had to be moved into the space above our bedroom. It had stayed there, unloved and ignored, ever since - partly because we had never got … [Read more...] about Rescuing the Purple Princess
Story of the Day #1: A Warm Glass of Flat Cola
I am setting myself a new target: to write a story every day. I may not publish every one of them, but it’s a way of kick-starting myself back into the spiritual practice of writing from which I had become disconnected during a summer of divine discontent. Here is the first story. All of them will be autobiographical, because part of my purpose is to help people understand that their story can … [Read more...] about Story of the Day #1: A Warm Glass of Flat Cola
The joy of finding wisdom in your family tree
I love the BBC genealogy programme Who Do You Think You Are?, which takes well-known people deep into their family history and on an emotional journey that often changes their lives for ever. There is something truly profound about uncovering your roots, finding out who your ancestors were and what challenges they faced in their lives. I’ve dipped in and out of my family history over the years … [Read more...] about The joy of finding wisdom in your family tree
There’s so much wisdom in this one-minute clip from Neil in 49 Up (see post below).(Source: https://www.youtube.com/) … [Read more...] about
There’s no such thing as an ordinary life
I’m not often excited by the announcement of a television programme, but this one is different. This one is the latest instalment of a brilliant documentary series that started way back in 1964 and has been broadcast only once every seven years. It is now known as The Up Series, starting with Seven Up!, which introduced the 14 British children who would be filmed every seven years of their … [Read more...] about There’s no such thing as an ordinary life