A little bit of late-night gratitude with your hot chocolate? … [Read more...] about
A little bit of late-night gratitude with your hot chocolate? … [Read more...] about
I keep a daily gratitude journal and have done so for a couple of years, using a simple website called Happy Rambles. They send me an email every day, I reply to it listing my gratitudes, then they store it for me in an online journal that I can view and search. I find it really has changed the way my brain works. From the moment I wake up in the morning, my brain is scanning for … [Read more...] about Things I’ve learned while being separated from my gratitude journal
During my many years of dysfunctional independence, my single friends and I would often try to go out for a meal on February 14, forgetting it was Valentine’s Day. When we eventually found a restaurant that didn’t have a mandatory “romantic” set menu at vastly inflated prices, we would huff and puff about all the miserable-looking couples who had been forced to sit opposite each other … [Read more...] about Why I never celebrate Valentine’s Day
In recent weeks I’ve been pondering the relationship between happiness and success. Can you be happy without achieving whatever success means to you? Can you be successful without being happy? One perspective on this conundrum was offered by positive psychology expert Shawn Achor in his recent TED talk. He has travelled to many different countries, working with schools and companies, … [Read more...] about Being happily successful and successfully happy
Today I am celebrating my birthday. At least that’s what other people think I should be doing. The truth is, I’m reflecting on the fact that another year of my life has passed by in the blink of an eye - and I’m not sure if I feel like celebrating that at all. Don’t get me wrong - I enjoy birthdays. Not for the presents, but for the unconditional love and goodwill I … [Read more...] about Must I celebrate my birthday?
Having spent the past three days on planet poorly, I am gradually returning to planet earth and wondering what hit me. It was probably the tuna that was one day past its sell-by rather than the solar storms but whatever it was it has given me plenty of opportunity to rest and sleep rather than think, plan or ruminate. At times like these we need to let go and allow our body wisdom to take … [Read more...] about The body is wiser than the mind