If you’re wondering why today’s Google doodle features the glyph for Venus, it’s because March 8 is International Women’s Day. I’m not going to get into the politics of it, or why we still need such a day – read this or this for two very different views – but what I will say is that I believe we need more feminine power every day.
I’ve posted before about this but I’m going to say it again: while women in other parts of the world are struggling to survive, let alone have their voice heard, it falls on the shoulders of women in the Western world to wake up to their power and start redressing the balance between masculine and feminine.
Claire Zammit and Katherine Woodward Thomas – two women who have done so much to help other females wake up to their power – put it like this: “Millions of us around the world are feeling a calling to reclaim the feminine, and in so doing, to awaken our authentic power to co-create the future of our lives and shape the future of our world.”
The way they see it is that, even though women in the West have more control over their bodies, their lives, their destinies, they still struggle with issues around self-worth, confidence and control and are not flourishing in the way they perhaps should be.
Why is this? Probably because women have embraced and cultivated a masculine version of power. There’s nothing wrong with masculine power, but there just isn’t enough feminine power to balance it out.
What are masculine power qualities? Here are some key words: mental, separate, structured, controlled, goal-oriented, purpose-driven, task-focused, perfection, ordered, logical, head-based.
What are feminine power qualities? Emotional, related, surrendered, receptive, love-driven, nurturing, chaotic, nonlinear, multitasking, imperfect, heart-based.
Think of how you are in the world. Do possess a balance of these qualities? Or are you buying in a little too many of the masculine qualities in order to get by, especially at work?
I’m not talking about feminism here, I’m talking about equality between masculine and feminine power. If that happened it might just save the planet.
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